An accident has occurred. Unfortunately, if you don’t have insurance, an accident can seriously damage your financial situation. In situations such as motorcycle accidents, motorcycle accident attorneys in Los Angeles (motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles) can help. Learn more about how an accident attorney can help.

When to call a lawyer after an accident?

Many victims seek a lawyer only if they have problems handling their claims after an accident. In general, a lawyer can only try to limit the damage. On the other hand, seeking advice from a lawyer in a timely manner can prevent adverse effects on clients in advance. A lawyer can reveal rights you never thought possible.

Who pays attorneys’ fees after a car accident?

Simply put, you are not responsible for any costs after an accident unless it is your fault. Therefore, if it is not your fault and you have become a victim of an accident, you should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible. The party’s liability insurance should cover your traffic attorney’s fees. German law stipulates that after the claim has been settled, the victim must be in the same position as before the accident. The background lies in the establishment of equal rights because the insurance company is an expert in traffic law. Therefore, you should get full legal advice at no cost to you.

If the client is partially responsible for the accident, attorneys’ fees will be refunded pro-rata. Each party shall reimburse the other for any portion of the legal costs owed by the other party to the limit of liability.

For example, if A shares 30% of the debt and B shares 70%, then A’s insurance covers 30% of B’s ​​legal costs. B’s insurance in turn pays 70% of A’s attorney’s fees. This principle also applies to all other damages.

If you have been in a car accident, you should consult a lawyer.

Even if you are responsible for a car accident, an attorney can help you save money. In this case, it is necessary to respond faster than signing a confession on the spot. Please contact an attorney who deals with insurance after a car accident. Maybe you are only partially to blame. In this case, the expert must determine exactly what claims it can bring against you.

Legal protection insurance is worth it.

Effective legal defense after an accident can be expensive. Legal and court fees as well as possible fees for professionals should be considered. This can be very high. The Treasury only pays if the proceedings are acquitted. However, this does not always mean that the cost is paid in full. If a lawsuit is stopped, the person affected will almost always have to pay attorneys’ fees. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase legal protection insurance.